Monday, October 03, 2005

Purple hair makes you invisible

SO.....I'm walking to the car, to put some change in the meter, and I'm taking my normal route. I happened to be on my cell phone, chatting with a friend while I made my way there, and I cross across the crosswalk toward the parking lot. I'm blahblahing with my friend, and I notice a car coming into the turn lane, which I was currently occupying, still in the crosswalk mind you, and I think "ah crap, that car's coming. Oh well, he'll slow down till I finish crossing." That's what you'd THINK would happen, since it's not only a LAW to do so, but just a general rule of thumb for drivers. Pedestrian in crosswalk = they have the right of way. So yeah, he didn't slower down, at all. He just kept righhhht on coming, full speed. I was like FUCK and I moved out of the way really fast, meanwhile his headlight clipped my bag. He almost fucking plowed right into me! He stops his car and hops out and is like "Shit! Are you okay? I didn't see you!" And I was in a state of shock. I just gave him this LOOK, and I'm like "It's broad daylight! I have purple fucking hair!" Anyway, I couldn't say much else. I was too shaken up. So, he takes off in his glossy Maxima, still going the same speed he was going when he almost hit me. He didn't see me.... right. Well, I guess that means that purple hair makes me invisible. I wonder what else I could get away with. Or maybe I'll just almost get killed again., I'm fine. Yeah. I am, physically fine. And I'm sure I'll be mentally fine as well, but of course, currently I'm kinda shaken up. Really my point is the fact that this happends a great deal. Drivers will speed around streets, not paying a damn mind to pedestrians, and situations like what happened to me today occur. If I hadn't been the one paying attention, and gone about my business, crossing the street without much else thought, I'd of been hit by that car. Now, I SHOULD be able to do that because it's a law that I have the right of way. There was no oncoming traffic, and the street was totally clear. That guy just felt the need to speed the fuck on through and almost hit someone. And he didn't seem so remorseful. He was kinda half-smiling. Probably out of "holy shit that was a close one," but fucking A, still. GUH! GUH GUH DOUBLE GUH! People are fucking retarded. Now, after the shock wore off, I wanna beat the ever lovin shit out of him. When he took off, I almost wanted to scream "Hey Fuckhead! Get back here! I'm not done with you!" but well, I didn't get the chance. fucking drivers need to pay attention where they're fucking going. I don't give a shit what you're late for or what you're preoccupied doing. Personally, if I end up with broken bones because of some careless asswad that's late for class, I'm gonna be pretty damn pissed off. And there's gonna be a goddamn upheaval. Hell, maybe I'll start one anyway.

That's it. Time for me to vent frustration by stabbing some paper.