Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Hilarity of Religious Propaganda

Okay, so I'm at work today, working the register, and this customer comes up and he looks at me really weird, kind of up-and-down like. I'm kinda like *raised eyebrow* "Okay then..." Anyway, so I wait on him, and when I gave him his change, he puts down this booklet and says "Here's something to read later. It's a good story." Then he leaves pretty suddenly and I look at it, and it's one of those comic-book style religious pamphlets. I'm like *eyeroll and sigh* I put it aside, and picked it up a little later, while on break, and realize that the top page is a decoy, and there's a second pamphlet stuck inside the front cover. It's called "Party Girl." And I'm like "You gotta be kidding me," and laughed. Obviously Mr. Yuppy Guy pegged me as a 'party girl' and was trying to enlighten me, if that's what you want to call it. (I guess purple hair is a "SINNER!" beacon to religious folks?) But it's so ridiculous and sensationalistic that it's hilarious. Of course, I'm compelled to share.

Satan and his minions are out to corrupt the youth...with plenty of low-quality condoms in tow!

But wait! Some random girl's grandmother got the Bat Call from God!

Anyway, the story goes on and Grandma finds the girl and drags her away from the party, eventually the girl 'repents' and finds God, yadayadayada. You know, the typical sugary, happy, I <3>

So, there you have it. Someone tried to 'guide' me to the 'right' path today. Interesting. I find it funny that they're trying to use fear and finger-pointing as a way of recruiting people over to the sanctified religious side. Where's the 'love' they keep talking about? Now, I will note that I don't have a problem with people whom choose to follow a religion and view it as the path to eternal salvation and happiness. I respect a person's right to do so. What I have a problem with is...well- stuff like this. It's just ridiculous and it doesn't do anything near what they intend for it to do. Will they ever learn? No, probably not. But we can have a good laugh until they do.